
Heritage of the Site
Win Fluke's Award!
Read About the Wolf
Gift Art from Visitors of the Site
Fluke Fiction

Balto Story Line
Movie Screen Shots
Downloadable Movie Clips
Music Info and MP3s
Play An Instrument?
Things I've Bought
Shop for it!
Price Advice for Balto Stuff
Various Production Stuff
Who is this dog?? We need to know!
The Answer to the Whitewolf Mystery!!
The Most in Depth Balto History on the Net!
Magazine Reviews and Cuttings

The first screenshots of Balto 3 on the net!
The first movie clips of Balto 3 on the net!
Balto 3 Music!
Balto 3 Review written by yours truly!

Balto Books Scanned For You!
Backgrounds etc
Things You Can Use on Your Own Website!
Opticual Illusion and Hopefully More
Balto Colouring Book

Fan Artwork
Learn How to Draw CGI
My Cells
The Icy Boards


Site History

Version 2.3

I first saw this movie in 1997 when it was shown on sky. I had never bothered watching animated feature films before so I didn't take any notice of the advertisements. It came on for the first time and by chance I was flicking through the channels. I came across this animated dog with no idea what was happening. I liked dogs/huskies/wolves etc anyway so I decided to watch. I must have seen about 5 minutes of it and I was hooked! This film was amazing. I had picked it up at about a quarter through and I watched till the end. Then the words "based on a true story" came up in the credits. From that moment I had to find out more. It was an amazing feeling when I first found a picture of Balto himself, I wanted him to be real and there he was looking back (well ok kinda). Over the last few years I've been collecting loads of pictures and articles about the real Balto. I've pieced together what I believe to be a close history and many pictures are here on this site.

This site however came about after a few ideas I had been toying with. I was a member of TBL and during that time had made a reputation for myself as someone who had good knowledge of Balto and some unusual pieces of Balto Merchandise. At the same time, Fluke had come into existance and was developing nicely as a wolf :D Then on 11/10/2000, I announced I wanted to make a website and that I wanted it to be different and original, but I said "it will probably just be a load of crap!" lol. Well was I right or not? I love it but then I'm biassed ;)

What I wanted was frames, and concidering I had no html knowledge and MS Word to use, I was in at the deep end, but with help from friends, I got the first pages up with nasty looking embossed backgrounds! It didn't take too long before I adopted the back Fluke background that I still use today, and it gave the whole site a nicer tidy look. Also the text was so much easier to read with a darker background! The site stayed like this for about 2 years with frequent updates and the most detailed Balto 2 news section ever, while my merchandise section grew and grew!

After time though, the frames got frustrating. They looked too home made and apart from that, everyone uses them, so I had wanted something new and crisp for a long long time. It was a case of working out what layout to use, so I learnt tables. Then using Adobe Photoshop, I drew myself the template of the website you see today. It just kinda happened, everything came together and seemed to fit and it is still growing so don't forget to check for updates!

Balto is property of MCA and Universal studios. I do not claim any rights to Balto, nor do I say that he or any of the other characters are my own. I do however say that Fluke is totally original and my property ©Acanis2000-Forever. Do not use him with out my permission. All items on this page, unless otherwise stated all belong to me so don't use them on your own site without my permission.